Cake X World Black Fantasy

World Black Fantasy is about pushing the limits of what is socially acceptable and encouraging the mentality of freedom. WBF are a Dubai based brand bringing you a psychedelic experience by pushing the boundaries between fantasy and reality of today’s society. promoting free thought and inciting critical thinking through media experiences and apparel that include both clothing and accessories. with a particular aesthetic each design tells a story backed by a visual experience that inspires a conversation.


Have a look at their latest collection 'new world' (available now) along with a few words from the founder/designer himself - Tayo Okoya.

How did you get into designing your own line?

I was always the artsy kid in class; I used to sketch all day, try out different art mediums, come up with my own comic book and just generally let my imagination fly. Later in high school, I realised my love for fashion and how an article of clothing is able to tell a story and I really wanted to tell my own. But for me, fashion is also comfortable, so streetwear is definitely where I wanted to be. This segment of fashion also allowed me to continue exploring my vision through graphics. Also, I think my ego really helped - I was always convinced that my story is worth telling and when I moved to Dubai I met the right people who ended up helping me print my designs. Since then, I released four different collections and a number of collaborations with local brands, yet this is only the beginning.  


What inspired the New World collection? 

The inspiration for the collection was definitely this end of the world type of chain of events. This year has really made me realise the importance of taking charge of issues that are under our control. Things like the coronavirus and other natural disasters have made me feel very out of control of my own narrative so I tried to focus on issues that I can change, or at least try to. I think a lot about social issues, especially the way black people are treated across the globe. This collection is a uniform of some sorts. If you have "World Domination" on your chest, you are part of the movement. I wanted to send messages of unison and strength in these t-shirts, highlighting that our generation is recording every single mistreatment and misstep by people in control.. there is nowhere to hide. This revolution will be streamed live, people in power cannot run from us if we all take a stand and demand a better world. If that forces the current system to collapse, so be it. The New World Order is the youth who are willing to fight with their whole being to make sure the future is bright for the next generation to come.

This revolution will be streamed live, people in power cannot run from us if we all take a stand and demand a better world.

What do you aim to achieve with your apparels and overall messaging?

WBF will always be a brand that doesn't shy away from addressing topics head on. We want to spark that conversation. These days, everyone is so worried about being politically correct, while of course we have to continue to be mindful, but at the same time, how can you learn if you are too scared to talk about certain topics? Especially in our last two collections, we are really pushing the boundaries for what is accepted in society. Not a lot of brands would talk openly about addictions or taking over the world... but it is necessary. Fashion brands often stay out of the conversation under the pretenses that we don't have the authority to comment on so and so, but why not? Fashion has a global reach that cannot be matched, so I think yes, we do have to be part of it even if it's just the first spark to start the fire. 


Creative direction and photography by @camilliakazem

Shop the 'new world' collection by wbf here and follow them on ig to stay up-to-date on @wbfdubai


Valentina Cytryn: from Food to Faces


Jasper Soloff: Photographer and Director, Magazines and Billboards