Susie E.K: The Hopeless Daydreamer

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been the quiet kid with paint all over their hands, the hopeless daydreamer who used to spend most of their time inventing magical worlds and strange creatures. Some things never change.

Having a strong interest in biology and human brain, growing up, I decided to pursue a scientific career, but art keeps having a major role in my life and it definitely helps me think outside the box - which is as much useful in science as it is in daily life!

My inspiration mostly comes from dreams and nightmares and turning them into drawings is a way to explore what’s in my own little head and see how far my creativity can go. I believe the most intriguing part of this process is trying to figure out a way to depict all the weird events that take place behind my eyelids at night in one static image. It is challenging. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I really don’t. But for me, it is pure fun either way: I’m in a phase of my life where the process has a much deeper value than the final result. (1).jpg

It makes me so happy and proud when friends and strangers share their interpretations of my bizarre work with me, make up stories about it or simply say it makes them laugh or think. My art aims to enhance anyone’s imagination, especially the one of those who are convinced they don’t have any. It wants to stimulate people to be original, to step away from conformity and to overcome the boundaries our brain seems to set for us. Some interpret my illustrations as utter non-sense, but I think that digging beneath the surface instead, and trying to give your own personal sense to something that appears to be non other than chaos can be a very effective way to open up your mind.

I love collaborating with musicians and bands, using my art to support other art and I am currently open for commissions. If you’re interested, feel free to check out my portfolio and to drop me an email ;)


adidas @ Sole DXB 2019


Melodi Ramirez: Unintentionally Editorial