Pedram Farjam: Music Videos to Sceneries

He works with rappers, fashionistas, and international brands. Pedram Farjam reflects on his passion, exciting projects, and future goals.

When did your interest in photography start?

I was always interested in cameras. It's funny, I was recently in Iran looking at videos from my childhood and I came to notice that I was always holding a camera, whether filming or taking pictures.

I began photography/videography as a hobby around 6 years ago, but it has become the only thing that I seem to love to do. (1).jpg

Is there anyone/anything that inspires your art?

I follow a lot of artists who inspire me, but to name a few, there is Platon (one of the best ever) and Peter McKinnon.

Art inspires me in general, and I believe that photography is a genre that has the power to combine art. For example, architecture and fashion combined can bring images to a new level.

Music inspires me a lot, as well, especially whilst making videos.

What is the most exciting project you have worked on thus far?

The first music video that I made has certainly been one of the greatest experiences - thanks to Behzad Leito [Persian Rapper], who believed in my work since day 1. Although I wasn't that experienced, we got to create and release a music video which changed my life, and made me find out what I truly love to do.

Do you prefer taking photos of people, inanimate objects, or nature?

Nature would be my number 1, and that's because the experience that you get while you go out to take pictures is incomparable to anything else.

People are probably my favorite when taking videos. The camera brings out a side of them that you haven't seen before. They just need time to get's interesting. (2).jpg

What's coming up next for your career?

My ultimate goal is to have my own media agency and create content for huge companies. It might take a long time, but I will continue to pursue this dream no matter what.

Finally, what's your favourite type of cake?

Chocolate chocolate chocolate.

Follow Pedram's journey on his Instagram at @pedram.farjam and his website,

All images used are courtesy of @pedram.farjam


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