New Zealand's Cheeky Kids, Marlin's Dreaming

New Zealand's very own Marlin's Dreaming takes us through their journey of music making, performing live, and their latest EP.

With the announcement of your summer 2019 tour, what can we expect to see?

A lot of shows, quite a few beers, hopefully some new found friends, some dancing at some point.

How does the process of creating your music go about? Does the atmosphere of being in New Zealand inspire any of your creativity?

It changes every time, but usually the singer (Semisi) will write a chord progression and create a demo idea on his laptop, the band will jam to it, and then we'll just start playing the new songs live and see how people like it. That's the best way to get a gauge of if its worth finishing off the song or not.

Photographer: Cam Hay

Photographer: Cam Hay

What has been your greatest achievement as a band thus far?

Releasing our new EP 'Talk On/Commic'. It was quite a lot to get through in the 4 days we had booked in the studio. There was definitely a point when we thought some songs weren't going to get finished, because we actually recorded and finished 8 songs, but only released 6, so getting all those songs done was a MISSION.

'Cheeky Kids' blew up on all platforms - what has the response to this brought for the band?

Well I guess at shows, no one knows the end of the first line, 'Cheeky Kids and Japanese...' so it's pretty hilarious watching people sing the first part and start looking around uncertain. we've heard so many different lines, 'jaw drops' 'jawdaas' 'torchas' the list goes on!

What can we hope to see from Marlin's Dreaming this year?

More touring, more band practices, more activities, heaps more eating of food, some more drinking of liquid. some new music, oh yeah gonna be a sick year !! :)

Finally, what is your favourite type of cake?

Banana loaf yew dude

Stay up to date with Marlin's Dreaming via @marlinsdreaming and on Soundcloud

Cover photo photographed by Cam Hay


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