Joseph Maddon: Capturing the Beauty of Women


What inspired you to pursue photography?

My obsession with photography started at a very young age and holding my dads camera in my hands is one of my first memories. It began as a curiosity on the mechanical aspects of the camera and simply how it worked. I was always interested in knowing how things worked but then it grew beyond that initial curiosity into a full blown obsession. Skateboarding also had a big influence on my continued interest in shooting photos just trying to document what I loved. I loved to look at the photos Atiba Jefferson, Rick Kosick, Ryan Gee, and many others made in Thrasher & Big Brother. As soon as I reached Junior High and could take Photo I and I was able to fully immerse myself in the process of shooting, developing a roll, and making prints with it I truly fell in love. Photography was my first love.

Women seem to be your muse - was this always the case? And why?

I do love to work with women almost exclusively, but the whole fashion editorial & portrait work wasn't always what I shot. In fact I at one point didn't want to work with people at all and just wanted to shoot nature and landscape work. I think this was due mainly to the insecurities and pressure of working with another individual. It's a very vulnerable situation for the person in front of the lens and my main goal is to portray that woman in a very strong light. I'm surrounded by a lot of strong and talented women my wife, Natalie, being one of my biggest inspirations.


How much are you involved with your shoots (styling/directing/production design)?

I don't work with a team so styling and direction is pretty much me alone. My wife, who owns Solstice Intimates, does design and sew a lot of the wardrobe I use. I do tend to work a lot with Luxie Vintage thats based out of AZ as well.

How do you pick your models and locations?

Model selection just like location selection is very spontaneous. I reach out to women I think would vibe with my style really well and simply ask them if they would like to work together. If its a yes thats great and if its a no I completely respect their decision. When selecting locations I'm usually scouting as I drive around and run errands with my son on my non shooting days. Though sometimes a model will show up and I will have not a single location planned and we will just wing it the entire day. I feel I am at my best when I don't plan a whole lot.

What is your dream collaboration?

I don't necessarily have a dream collaboration but there are definitely a few models I would love to work with that live way too far away from me.


What is the most exciting project you have been a part of?

Certainly working side by side with my wife and shooting her amazing creations and watching her vision grow. This allows me to spend a lot of time with my kids and work the job I've always wanted.

3 words you would use to describe your photography?

Constantly winging it.

What is coming up next for Joseph Maddon?

Oh man I couldn't even tell you. Like I said I hate planning so all. I hope whats next is very similar to the present. Spending time with my family and shooting photos of amazing women.

Finally, what's your favourite type of cake?

If tiramisu counts then that would be the one.


Follow Joseph on Instagram to see more of his incredible work at @joseph_maddon

All images used are courtesy of @joseph_maddon


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